EliteFashionUs was found to provide luxury bags and unique clothing, apparel from around the world to customers located in the United States. Our goal is to provide our new and loyal customers with items that will bring out the elegance you possess, to dazzle and amaze your friends. We search the world to find items that define elegance and beauty.
The owner have spent thirty years in the fashion industry and has established relationships throughout the world that allow her to provide discount luxury bags and items of exceptional brilliance from many distant locations to one convenient site. While we are proud of our distinctive and varied collection, our specialty is in Christian Dior and Chanel bags. This site offers the largest before and after market collection of Dior handbags in the world. Our goal is provide complete customer satisfaction. For inquiries, please contact Ha Nguyen at 408-250-6665 or email us at elitefashionusinc@yahoo.com or hanguyen@elitefashionus.com.
Please note:
Due to the increasing online scam, we no longer accept Paypal from non US buyers. we only accept bank transfer from non US buyer or we do not sell.
We ship to international addresses and international buyer should contact me for shipping cost before making payment.